I was born in the mountains of WV, grew up in the burbs of Atlanta, currently live in the city, but get out in nature every chance I get.  The mountains and forest are in my heart and soul.  So is coffee, and dark chocolate. : -)

I am happily married to my best friend.  I am the mother of two successful and well-adjusted young men.  My husband and I share a passion for the outdoors and backpacking.  We love the fun of doing Tough Mudder obstacle course races together.  And, as someone who once detested the kitchen, I’ve grown to love the mindfulness and joy of preparing nourishing food for my family. 

I also love dogs.  All of them.  Fluffy ears and puppy breath are beautiful things.  I love my family, my friends, and I love life – all of it, the messy and the beautiful.  I am curious by nature and ever exploring, ever learning. 

It was a long journey to get to where I am today – healthy, confident, and strong.  The truth is that my health wasn’t always the greatest.  I’ve walked through major depression, anxiety and panic attacks, and addiction (to substances, to sugars, to intense emotion – many of us struggle with addiction in so many different forms).  Because of these challenges, the dark times and their integration into light, I have come to appreciate and love life in a special way.  I see possibility everywhere.  I notice and find joy in the little things.   

Our challenges are often our greatest gifts, even if these gifts come wrapped in sandpaper.  

A decade ago, while teetering on the edge of a major depressive episode, I didn’t realize how heavily my own thinking patterns were adding to my struggle.  These habitual ways of thinking and behaving were deeply ingrained.   If I continued to do what was familiar, it would result in the same outcomes.  I knew I needed to do something different to avoid full blown depression. 

I stumbled upon a concept called neuroplasticity (‘re-mapping’ the brain to think differently, by default). I set upon a quest to explore these new tools in hopes of bypassing depression.  Not only did these work, but my entire wellness was elevated!   

I took courses in neuroplasticity, which also led me to other research, such as in the areas of longevity and anti-aging.  I was fascinated by what I discovered. My prior professional training/work in research science serves me well for exploring current research. Most was quite revelatory when held in contrast to conventional wisdom.  I now use unconventional approaches to live a life of ‘unconventional health and wellness’ – in order to not age like we so often see around us.  I now live a vibrant and healthy life, filled with joy!

In my fifties, it feels as though I have been born anew! 

How about you?  Would you like to enjoy healthy, nourishing food that doesn’t feel restrictive, or like you are being denied?  Are you tired of counting calories?  How about that ‘no pain, no gain’ mentality to working out and getting fit? 

Would you like to feel energetic, free to enjoy your hobbies, and able to move with greater ease – maybe to be able to get down on the floor and play with pets or grandchildren, and be able to get back up again?  What about photos with friends – do you want to feel good about those images shared across social media?  Do you want to feel more vibrant and alive and confident?? 

It took me over 50 years to become my most vibrant and healthy self, and I’m still learning, growing, and evolving.  It brings me great joy and sense of purpose to walk alongside others and explore the root cause of their health issues, so that they, too, can enjoy a life of vitality, strength, and confidence. I am passionate about what I do and am committed to helping you do the same!   

Let’s chat and see if we might be a good fit for walking this journey together.